Saturday, 4 February 2012

A new era


Things are changing in order to take my artwork to a wider audience I am closing the gallery and relaunching with a online gallery
Obviously after 8 years it is very sad but the shop is going to be used for something else which I am sure will be equally popular.
My paintings will be available over the internet and from my studio and I will also be holding 3 exhibitions this year in Littleborough, Marple Bridge and Sheffield. If you are on our mailing list then you will receive invitations to these if not please let me have your details. You can still contact me a Littleborough Gallery.

We are holding a closing down sale on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th & 19th February.Please do call in if only to see me and you might get a bargain!
With thanks for your support over the last 8 years.
Best wishes Liz

*Prints of Busy Littleborough by Caroline Appleyard are still available at £20 each

1 comment:

  1. Ohh great> so nice art gallary and wish you a very best of luck for future.

    it support in littleborough
